Scrapped Endz

I was browsing a game development forum at around 9PM when i found a thread that caught my eye. "Scrapped end route found for Skyship Glactia" it was called. Interested, i of course clicked on it. To my surprise, it wasn't some sort of clickbait. While scrolling through the author of the thread posted some of the original code that was left. Most of the code was scrapped dialoge, cutscene triggers, etc. But something.... stuck out to me. One of the lines of dialoge was different then the ones prior, it said "gust keep thinking happy thoughs. happy thoughtS. H A   P P       Y TH O U G H      TS" and some image trigger like it was a type of jumpscare, nonetheless i kept reading. Finding out one of the cutscenes was redone and coded back we got to see one of the lat cutscenes and, it was interesting to see how someone woud put that much effort to actually do something like that to share some datamined stuff that was found. When i started to watch the video, it was rather short of ony 1 minute and 24 seconds. It started with the main character, Jenn, walking through a starship never seen in the main game, they looked scared and were tinted blue, i found that part the weirdest, going on with the video Jenn opens one of the doors in the halls, it was silent as the author said there was supposed to be a music queue there, with no such file, it was unable to be played, thus crashing the game. This really had me hooked to the whole thing! Scrolling down farther, another video, this time, 5 minutes exactly. The title the author gave it said "Scrapped cutscene 2 (18+)" and the 18+ thing given made me roll my eyes but, i watched anyway. It seemed to have left off where the last cutscene happened but, Jenn, was on the ground, with her hand over her mouth, she was in shock of what was infront of her, and the camera finally turned to see what it was, what i saw had me very uncomfortable. The happiest character in the series, Herriete, was hanging from the celing, her eyes were pale white, she was dead, no doubt about it. But, why would this ever have been thought to be put in? The video finally ended after it turned back to Jenn. When scrolling down more, there was images posted of some of the scrapped interactions, one of which was the "happy thoughts" dialouge mentioned earler. The image, was distorted and dark but, it was Harriete, arms reached out at the camera, empty eyes, sinister grin. At this point in the thread i was more uncomfortable then anything. The next image was an abandoned room, the room was grey and blue, unlike the rest of the ship's white and green look, the room had very little furnature in it besides a chai, desk and a bed, but they were all broken. I decided to keep scrolling, reading more of the post. There was another video, "ending finale" was its name, and i was interested considering it was the last cutscene we had for the lost ending route. The video was 19 minutes and 42 seconds, when it started up, there was light static, Jenn was at the final boss, Lord Nebunova, but, he looked different, he usually wore a black trench coat with a grew and red top hat carrying a cane, he had horns coming out from the top hat, but in this, he wasnt wearing any of that, he had scratches and scars over his body, one of his horns broken in half, and he didnt have his left eye. Jenn looked different too, Normally she had her battle armor, purple hair with a long ponytail and her normal makeup but in this, she had most of her hair cut off, her battle armor was broken all over, and she had constant bruises over her. In this, Lord Nebunova finally had Jenn restrained, tied to a mostly broken chair, from the abandoned room from before. Then, he gets one of his scythes off of his back and starts slashing Jenn, in the video, you could hear her screams, they sounded like... my mother's? They sounded like they were coming from the other room in my house even, but i continued watching. There was blood pouring out of practically everywhere on her body, then, Lord Nebunove looks at the camera and starting walking to it. "Paramatama da canana isa nafarata de purane raja du'ara kade nahim laghada, isa la'i sanu tabaha kara dita janda hai." is what was said. I dont know what language it was. With 5 minutes of the video left, it just ends. Being confused i took off my headphones and got up. When i went outside my room my mother's door was wide open. I creeped over slowly and when i loked in, my mother was laying on the floor, mutilated, I then looked down at my hands, blood was on them, drenched even, i forgot to clean up the mess i made.
(author note: i tried making a creepypasta so i decided to upload it here cause its bad, i changed grammar to be bad in places to fit here i guess lo)